- The intangible cultural heritage has been registered in the Intangible Cultural Heritage Network and therewith meets the criteria for the Network.
- The intangible cultural heritage is nominated by or together with the people involved or its practitioners for entering the Inventory.
- The practitioners/people involved wish to give a future to the ICH; they want to pass it on to next generations.
- In the Safeguarding Plan the people involved/practitioners make clear that they have thought about the future of their heritage. They reveal their current actions and their plans to give a future to their intangible cultural heritage. Wherever needed, additional actions are stated in order to solve bottlenecks in the transmission to next generations.
- The heritage is dynamic, meaning that it may change with time. The practitioners/people involved are open to these dynamics and express this accordingly.
In its Activity Plan 2017-2020, the Centre has announced to handle 15 new nominations a year for the Inventory Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Netherlands. In addition to the motivation given, the diversity (in the broadest sense of the word) of the Inventory is also considered.