Call for theses for the Dr. Albert van der Zeijden Thesis Prize

Did you write a bachelor's or master's thesis on intangible cultural heritage this year or last year? If so, you can now submit your thesis for the Albert van der Zeijden Thesis Prize. This prize is awarded annually by the Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage Netherlands (Dutch abbreviation: KIEN), in collaboration with Utrecht University (UU), in memory of Dr. Albert van der Zeijden, a prominent historian with a passion for intangible cultural heritage.

The aim of the Dr. Albert van der Zeijden Thesis Prize is to stimulate research on intangible cultural heritage. The winner receives €1,000 and a unique trophy. You can submit your thesis until October 1, 2024. 

Focus of the thesis

Intangible cultural heritage encompasses many areas, from tourism to policy, diversity, sustainability, and more. The main requirement is that (a form of) intangible cultural heritage is the central theme. Additionally, it is crucial that the communities, groups, and individuals who sustain the intangible heritage are central to your research and thesis. 

So, are you or do you know someone who has written a thesis on one of the many forms of intangible cultural heritage in the past two years? Then you might be eligible for this special thesis prize. 


  • The thesis must have been graded with at least an 8 (or a 15 in Flanders) + proof. 
  • Theses on intangible cultural heritage written between September 1, 2022, and August 31, 2024, at a university or college in the Kingdom of the Netherlands or Flanders. 
  • Languages: Dutch, English, Papiamento, Frisian. 
  • Demonstrable voluntary, prior, and informed consent of the relevant heritage community/communities. 
  • Summary of the thesis in a maximum of two A4 pages. 

Evaluation criteria 

  • Relevance to the practice of (safeguarding) intangible cultural heritage. 
  • Relevance to science. 
  • Research methods (preferably participatory research). 
  • Clarity/readability. 
  • Originality. 
  • Social value/topicality. 

Evaluation committee 

  • Prof. Rose Mary Allen – University of Curaçao 
  • Jorijn Neyrinck – Workshop Intangible Heritage (Belgium) 
  • Dr. Mark Schep – Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage Netherlands – Reinwardt Academy 
  • Dr. Renée Vulto – Utrecht University 
  • Dr. Adrienne Zuiderweg – Stichting Indisch Erfgoed 


The winner receives:

  • The winner receives:€1,000 
  • Unique IE trophy, made by a craftsman 
  • Presentation of research at the award ceremony in early 2025, part of Utrecht University's Heritage Lecture program 
  • Publication on the website of the Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage  

Practical requirements

  • The thesis must be sent digitally to 
  • Deadline for submission is October 1, 2024 
  • Contact details of the student and the supervisor must be clearly stated on the thesis 

About Dr. Albert van der Zeijden 

Albert van der Zeijden (1957-2021) worked for almost 35 years in the field of intangible cultural heritage and folk culture. He was head of the Scientific team team at the Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage Netherlands. Under his leadership, the Scientific Agenda 2017-2020 was created, focusing on super-diversity and sustainable tourism. Van der Zeijden was also a Research Fellow in Heritage Studies at Utrecht University and active within the ICH-NGO Forum. In 2002, he obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Amsterdam with his research on Catholic identity and historical consciousness. 

About Intangible Cultural Heritage

What do we mean by 'intangible cultural heritage'? The Dutch Centre follows the definition from the UNESCO Convention (2003) for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. This definition can be summarized as follows: intangible heritage consists of cultural expressions that people consider their heritage. These expressions provide a sense of identity and continuity. The heritage constantly changes due to social changes and is passed on from generation to generation. Want to learn more about intangible cultural heritage or discover the forms found in the Netherlands? Browse the Inventory and the Network. The precise definition described by UNESCO can be found here. 


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