The Network of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) shows the variety of cultural expressions that communities, groups or individuals themselves recognize as intangible cultural heritage. They have registered this ICH in the Network. The Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage is therefore not responsible for the content of the description.


Since 1956 there has been a papier-mâché doll on the Market in Oosterhout (Kaaiendonk during carnival time) which represents the Smulnar (yummy jester). At carnival time, Kaaiendonkers (Oosterhouters) are called Smulnarren and Smulnarrinnekes and the children snotnarren and snotnarrinnekes. Over the years this smulnar has already taken on various forms. This smulnar is placed before the opening of the carnival.

During the opening ceremony on the market there is always a wreath hanging on this Smulnar. At the end of Carnival Tuesday, just like in other places, this Smulnar is lit by the fire brigade and burns it off in a controlled manner. At this moment the carnival in Kaaiendonk has officially ended and the sham marriage between Joanus and Hendrien (the couple who were married at the peasant wedding during this carnival) has been dissolved.

All Smulnarren and Smulnarrinnekes, Snotnarren and Snotnarrinnekes who celebrate carnival in Kaaiendonk are involved. Many children are taken out of bed in the evening to come and watch this burning. The Oosterhoutse Markt is completely filled with people who want to be present. After 4 days (some already start earlier on Friday or even on Thursday) parties start the fasting period (which not everyone adheres to of course) and the carnival season is officially closed until the weather starts on November 11. 

This is a tradition that has been around since the carnival celebration in Kaaiendonk (Oosterhout). The incineration will only be canceled if the weather does not allow it due to a severe storm. Throughout history, nothing has ever gone wrong.


Oosterhout Nb