The Network of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) shows the variety of cultural expressions that communities, groups or individuals themselves recognize as intangible cultural heritage. They have registered this ICH in the Network. The Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage is therefore not responsible for the content of the description.


Modern Devotion is a movement that want(ed) to reform church and society and is based on a sense of community and simplicity. The ideas are shared by Catholics, Protestants, humanists and others, religious and non-religious. Through meetings, lectures and social initiatives, a link is sought between tradition and current events.

All who recognize themselves in the ideas of Modern Devotion and Geert Groote are among those involved. The Thomas a Kempis foundation, the Geert Groote Huis, and the Postmodern Devotion foundation too. All work together under the umbrella of the applicant Alliance.

Geert Groote (1340 - 1384) opposed the abuse of power within the church and by the highly placed. The ideas spread from the IJssel region throughout Northwest Europe. Brothers and sisters of the Common Life formed a lay movement that still exists. Erasmus and Luther, among others, were influenced by it.



Alliantie Moderne Devotie
Lamme van Dieseplein 4
7411 LX