The Inventory Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in the Netherlands contains ICH of which the communities, groups or individuals involved have written a safeguarding plan. Those plans are reviewed by an independent review committee. Every three years an evaluation of the safeguarding takes place.


The Short Track Races in Nootdorp are the start of the festival week in (the former municipality of) Nootdorp. The Short Track Races have developed from a harness race event into the Nootdorp Horse Day with a lot of mainly horse-oriented activities. Because the Short Course is the origin and the main activity, the name is maintained.

 The day starts at 10 AM with a pony brunch on the Parade Square. Between 25 and 30 beautifully dressed young riders (aged up to 13) on ponies will compete for the first prize. The ponies and the amazons and riders will be judged by a jury, where originality of the chosen theme, care and presentation will be part of the assessment. At the end, the ponies will be invited to the brunch, a spectacle for the participants and the spectators. In the meantime, volunteers are busy laying the course for the short track. When the 'start free' is given at around 1 PM, it is also the start of pony riding for children and the opening of the children's land with bouncy castles, among other things.

 The course of a short track is about 300 metres long. Pairs of two horses compete against each other for a place in the next round (a knock-out race). The winner is the horse that wins two races in the final. The public is directly involved in the event, as it takes place at an almost touchable distance. At the end of the last round, the mayor of Pijnacker-Nootdorp will present the prize of honour in the form of a silver whip. At the galleries, bets can be made on the winner, the second and third arrivals and the first three arrivals in the correct order. Animal welfare is an important part of the short track race and is supervised by a veterinarian who is present all day.


The committee of the Stichting Kortebaan Nootdorp (the Nootdorp Short Track Foundation) organises the race every year. The public for the short track is mainly made up of the residents of the Nootdorp village and there are also a number of enthusiasts who visit nearly all short tracks in the Netherlands. In recent years, the Nootdorp Short Track is also brought to the attention of the region. During the race, special attention is paid to the presence of residents of a nursing home in Nootdorp and residents with a mental and/or physical disability of the location of Stichting Ipse de Bruggen in Nootdorp.


The race in Nootdorp has a long history. In an announcement from 1792, J. van Beekum, described as ´Castelein van het Rechthuis in Nootdorp´, an innkeeper, was already calling for participants in a harness race event. Around the turn of the 19th and 20th century, there were a few Nootdorpers with a horse suitable for trotting with a sulky. These horses were also used for normal work, and they practised in a meadow at the Dorpsstraat - Achterweg. In the early fifties of the 20th century, the professionally organised horse racing sport on the long track took shape with the construction of a racing track in the centre of the village. The peak of this track was between the mid-sixties and mid-eighties of the last century. Partly due to the presence of the racing track, a number of professional trainers and drivers for trotting horses were established in Nootdorp. There were also numerous enthusiasts who owned one or more trotters. The presence of three riding stables completed the picture that Nootdorp in many facets was a real ‘horse village’ and still is to some extent.

In the nineties, the interest in the harness racing sport decreased visibly throughout the country. In 1999, this development and the call for housing in Nootdorp at the former military airfield Ypenburg meant the end of the long track harness racing sport in Nootdorp. Meanwhile initiatives were developed to maintain the tradition of harness racing in Nootdorp. In 1996 this resulted in the organisation of a short track harness race, initially on the trotting track and later on the Molenaar Blonkweg and nowadays at De Poort. The Nootdorp Short Track Race marks the beginning of the festival week and traditionally takes place on the first Tuesday in August. Since a few decades, much attention has been paid to animal welfare and the introduction of various technologies such as the start and finish procedure, video registration, LED screens and digital betting.


Safeguard actions

  • Both new and existing residents will be involved in the race.
  • By means of lectures, it will be explained what a short track race entails. In 2018, with the support of a sulky, a lecture was given in the residential care centre about what a short track is all about, this is worth repeating.
  • Contacts with primary schools will be intensified by means of a theme week including a limited demonstration with a horse for pupils from groups 1 and 2. In addition, a brief explanation of the horse phenomenon and what a short track race entails for pupils in groups 7 and 8.
  • Nootdorp is home to a residential care centre for people with a physical and mental disability. Part of it is a riding school for clients of this centre. Many visitors of the short track are not aware of this. Because the riding school is always looking for volunteers, involving the riding school in some way can create a win-win situation.
  • An archivist is sought because, although much digital material of the last 25 years of harness racing is available, it is not easily accessible. Moreover, the material is scattered. In addition, it is particularly annoying that of the harness racing sport of the long track in Nootdorp (period 1950-1999) hardly anything has been preserved according to research.
  • The cooperation with other organisational components of the Nootdorp Festival Week, such as the organisation of the Cycle Race and the Oranjevereniging, is excellent. Where possible, various matters could be tackled jointly, thus sharing the costs.
  • It is being investigated whether agreements can be made with all three riding stables and the football club with regard to education, thus creating a win-win situation.
  • When new companies settle in Nootdorp, they are given a flyer with an accompanying letter in order to bring the existence of the short track to the attention of the public. If possible, this will be followed by an introductory visit.
  • In 2021, a volunteer will be recruited whose task it will be to interest target groups in other parts of the municipality of Pijnacker-Nootdorp in equestrian sports.
  • Inhabitants are informed of the existence (and history) of harness racing by means of publications in local media.
  • An effort will be made to involve young people in the pony brunch, with the ultimate goal of having the organisation run entirely by young people.
  • In order to further develop the website, a young person with ICT experience is preferably sought as a volunteer or board member.
  • If necessary, expert help will be called in the future in connection with the laws and regulations.
  • Every season ends with a deficit; so far, this deficit can be covered by the income from the reserves. In the foreseeable future, however, this will no longer be the case. Initiatives will have to be taken to generate more income or to economise. This will be carried out by several volunteers under the leadership of a board member.
  • A triumvirate will be formed from the board that will write a clear protocol with the do's and don’ts with regard to animal welfare and the communication about this. The veterinarian will be asked to act as a sounding board in this respect.


Stichting Kortebaan Nootdorp