Super diversity, intangible heritage and the museum

Museums Super diversity Participation Diversity Urban area

The Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage participated in a multi-year international project aimed at raising awareness and activating museums to get started with intangible heritage. The name of the project is Intangible cultural heritage & Museums Project, IMP for short, with partners from Flanders (Workplace Intangible Heritage), France (Center Français du Patrimoine Culturel Immaterial), Italy (SIMBDEA) and Switzerland (Swiss Museum Association). . The kick off of this project was in the Netherlands, in Rotterdam. A special theme was chosen for super diversity and how museums can respond to this with the help of intangible heritage. Albert van der Zeijden and Sophie Elpers wrote an English-language position paper for this Rotterdam conference, which discusses the challenges of super diversity for museums. On the right you will find a Dutch adaptation of this piece.


November 2020

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