The Inventory Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in the Netherlands contains ICH of which the communities, groups or individuals involved have written a safeguarding plan. Those plans are reviewed by an independent review committee. Every three years an evaluation of the safeguarding takes place.


The Bottermarkt (botter is dialect for butter) is held every Wednesday morning in July and August from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the old town of Raalte. On the Tuesday before the market, preparations, such as the making of the regional dish Kruudmoes, already begin.

The market starts at 9 a.m. with the sale of Kruudmoes, currant loafs, deep-fried dough balls and coffee. The craftsmen also start their crafts; all crafts have to do with life on the farm.  The eighteen craftsmen use original tools and wear traditional Salland costumes. The crafts are: butter churning, washing costume hats, lace bobbin, clog making, costume dolls, alphabet sampler making, wool spinning, laundresses, rope making, scythe peening, basket weaving, chair caning, beekeeping, bead bag making, straw plaiting, farmer’s cheese making, beehive making, making / tasting the regional Kruudmoes dish.

At 1 p.m. the market closes and the craftsmen clean up their stalls. Around 2:15 p.m. everything is back in place and the cleaning team closes the market with a drink and a piece of sausage.


Several parties are involved in the organisation of the Salland Botter Market: the eighteen craftsmen, the eight-person construction team, the sellers of Kruudmoes, dough balls and coffee, the dairy farmer and the local baker. The visitors often come from the Raalte region, but tourists also visit the market, especially during the summer holidays. The number of visitors depends heavily on the weather, but is between 800 and 1200, with peaks of up to 2500. There is cooperation with the municipality for the license as well as with the weekly market and regional market. Other parties involved: Raalter Business Association and Meeting House Annahuis.


At the end of the sixties and beginning of the seventies this market was so popular that bus trips from all over the country were organized to visit this market. The regional and national media also paid attention to it. In the early days, the 'vrouwleu' (dialect for ‘women’) were brought to the market by horse and cart, after which the tourists could make a tour on the cart. Now these horses and carriages are no longer available, and for reasons of safety no longer possible in the shopping promenades. In the first few years, the Kruudmoes was brought in a large pan and was scooped out by hand, whereby the customers had to bring their own pans. This is no longer conceivable: on the eight markets a total of more than 3000 litres of Kruudmoes are sold. Moreover, everything has to be cooled and provided with a sticker with composition and expiry date.


The current laws and regulations also bring about changes in the crafts sector. For example, the churn for butter churning may no longer be made of wood due to the possibility of mould formation. This has been solved by using a stainless steel ‘churn canister’. Also, the buttermilk and butter may no longer be sold to the consumer after churning, because it has not been produced in a protected atmosphere. Now these products are bought from an organic farm shop, and sold from a refrigerated display case.


In order to safeguard the Salland Botter Market for the future, the following actions will be taken:

  • The knowledge of the Botter Market has not been recorded anywhere and is now being transferred orally. The foundation is looking for possibilities to make a handbook and to conduct interviews with the individual craftsmen or women.
  • The crafts are used to make modern articles, not just traditional ones, like telephone cases.
  • There is intensive cooperation with the municipality.
  • The market has been set up differently, so that there is more space in the event of calamities, better entrances and exits and a better place for qualified first aiders.


Bottermarkt Raalte
Fazant 4
8103 EL