The Bottermarkt (botter is dialect for butter) is held every Wednesday morning in July and August from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the old town of Raalte. On the Tuesday before the market, preparations, such as the making of the regional dish Kruudmoes, already begin.
The market starts at 9 a.m. with the sale of Kruudmoes, currant loafs, deep-fried dough balls and coffee. The craftsmen also start their crafts; all crafts have to do with life on the farm. The eighteen craftsmen use original tools and wear traditional Salland costumes. The crafts are: butter churning, washing costume hats, lace bobbin, clog making, costume dolls, alphabet sampler making, wool spinning, laundresses, rope making, scythe peening, basket weaving, chair caning, beekeeping, bead bag making, straw plaiting, farmer’s cheese making, beehive making, making / tasting the regional Kruudmoes dish.
At 1 p.m. the market closes and the craftsmen clean up their stalls. Around 2:15 p.m. everything is back in place and the cleaning team closes the market with a drink and a piece of sausage.