For milk churn shooting, shooters drill a hole in the bottom of a milk churn, which is necessary for ignition. The milk churn is loaded with carbide and water, and then the lid is placed in the opening. The lid is weighted down with a large heavy wet piece of cloth, from an old pair of jeans for example, which is firmly attached to the lid handle.
Then the milk churn is placed on the ground on its side and the shooter sits on top of it. For stability and against any recoil, he or she places the feet with the heels against the bottom and checks that the shooting direction is clear and safe. Then the shooter fires the milk churn by lighting a lighter at the hole in the bottom. Agreements are made to fire at the same time or take turns.
A total of about 55 shooting locations have been established in Kampen, of various sizes. They range for groups from 5 to 100 people. The locations are mainly within the built-up area of the municipality and mostly on streets and roads between buildings.
On New Year's Eve, the entire municipality of Kampen is milk churn shooting from early morning until night.
The Kampen district of Brunnepe, where milk churn shooting originated, has a special status. Here, at a number of set locations, people are allowed to shoot as early as after Christmas in the evening hours.
Milk churn shooting is a social event in which the shooters usually consist of groups of friends and families often combined with each other. It is customary to visit the others during the day at the various locations.
During the evaluation, the Copper Milk Churn is awarded. This aims to raise awareness and responsibility of the shooters and support local charities. The challenge cup can be awarded for various things, such as beauty, good organisation, safety et cetera. The corresponding check must be spent in full on a local charity. In addition, to encourage young people, the Shooter’s Guild also awards a prize for the most beautifully decorated milk churn for youths up to age 12.