The Network of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) shows the variety of cultural expressions that communities, groups or individuals themselves recognize as intangible cultural heritage. They have registered this ICH in the Network. The Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage is therefore not responsible for the content of the description.


Cat bashng is a popular entertainment game that is played especially in North Holland during various events, such as King's Day, village festivals and fairs. Nowadays, the cat has been replaced by a wooden bobbin on a string. The barrels are equipped with 8 wooden hoops and the cat, which each has a value. The game is finished when all the hoops and the cat from the barrel are on the ground.

The group of practitioners and people involved consists of p last-minute residents and a group of people that we visit on Facebook and mail. keep track of where the event is.

At cat bashing a cat was once locked in a wooden barrel and that barrel was hung with a rope between two trees. The participants then hit the barrel with wooden clubs. The intention is that the barrel is beaten to pieces, after which the cat can escape under loud screeching.


Lagedijkerweg 36
1742 NC